Tuesday, April 24, 2007


thank you Mr. Tony Bennett for reversing the mood..

Saturday, April 21, 2007


The rain starts to fall. On any other given day I would welcome the downpour. It would be a good excuse to sit by the window and cuddle. Now that she’s gone, the rain makes the pain even worse.

I have never known so much heartache...

It’s like she took her hand to my heart and squeezed it really hard. I feel so hollow and so devoid of anything. Anguish consumes me....

How can something so good be so wrong? She was the essence of my life, the core of my being.

I watched the wave crash angrily on the rock. I wonder what it feels like to be that rock.

I wonder if I’ll feel any pain...

Friday, April 20, 2007

sorry for the sadness shown

have you ever felt a kind of sadness that is so powerful that you become a moving statue or a stone..you know your sad.. not angry.. nor emotionally unstable..but sad..

this is beyond breakdown.. and if ill have one it wouldnt help.. trust me i know..

my heart is a beating pin cussion.. can feel every pin..

im showing sadness beyond recognition..
im feeling sadness beyond my comprehension..

but i am calm, i can smile, luagh, joke, or even work...

but all is empty..

Love . . . cannot exist without the bad breath and bad jokes and bad faith that comes when you get into another person. When that person leaves, she takes her bad things with her. And in her place is an emptiness so huge that your soul cries out for its demons like you wouldn't believe.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

would you..

workin on a saturday... i must i guess..

i asked my self what will i answer if you ask me this question...

conversation inside my head..

you: mike?..
Me: yes?..
you: what will you do if im gone?
Me: nothing..
you: what? again?
Me: nothing...
you: .....
Me: nothing.. coz i will do anything for that not to happen...ok?
you: ok

Thursday, April 12, 2007

fucked up sentimental fool i am..

yesterday was the most tiring day i had for many weeks na.. physically and mentally.. people giving workload and revising so many times that i lost count na.. it was like me working in a fastfood chain..

ME: welcome to myfrigginworld burger, fries and shit..
can i take your order mam?

1 layout of a manual..
2 designs of a flyer that you wont use..
a large chunk of power tripping EA..
a design of a marketing kit...english and mandarin.. with no mayo..
2 bosses askin for deadlines... one with a whip, which can reach the lower floor even if she's upstairs na..
1 annoying woman who sounds like a man..shouting and talkin bout nonsense..
1 small woman..talkin to me even she sees me wearing a large headphone and with the volume up (so that i wont hear the woman who sounds like a man.)

and a diet coke..

ME: would you like to add anything mam?

go large on everything and upload...


wish it would rain on me i said to her... we both like the rain.. well that time she hates it... she needs to go somewhere but the rain she likes is holdin her in.. poor friend.. maybe she's all dress up or something...she wont let rain ruin it all.. bah

so she wished to rain on everybody.. and it did..

walked under it for a block or two. didnt mind bein wet..but my black leather shoes did..

she wished for the rain to fall on everybody.. and it did..

evryone is running and tryin not to get wet...

but im walkin... tryin to hide my smile..

coz my wish came true!!..
the rain was for me and not for anybody..

but it didnt..and it wasnt..

it was her's and for everybody..


Saturday, April 07, 2007

out of boredom part 2

i know nobody read this..

ok a couple of people..
3 tops..

but ill make an experiment..or a poll.. ok, a survey is a better word for this..

if you read this blog... comment on this post why you waste your time reading me blog..






Jesus Sings Sinatra..

i know ill burn in hell for this.. just saw this post...this is not blasphemy or maybe it is..but this is just a diff way of seeing the greatest dude ever..

[If a Danish newspaper could publish a cartoon on Muhammed, and Filipino protesters could indulge so much in freedom of expression, maybe I could up the ante myself. I've realized recently I haven't been enjoying my so-called freedom, so I'm posting this 'evil' piece and see how far it would take me to verbal hell. This was inspired by a Rowan Atkinson sketch, by the way, and it's best when read aloud and the speaker is dressed up as a priest.]

And when Jesus went out, He saw a great multitude, and He was moved with compassion for them, so he went back inside the room, and later he came out dressed in a carrot suit. He went around the multitude and entertained them and pulled a rabbit out of a hat and made jokes about mothers-in-law.

And the sick were healed because they were happy. And one of them asked, "Do you do Tupperware parties, too?"

And Jesus said, "Only on weekdays."

When it was evening, the disciples came to Him, saying, "This is a deserted place. There's not even a local Pizza Hut franchise in sight. Send the multitudes away, that they may go into the villages and buy themselves food and do some R & R in some videoke bar so that they can also sing 'My Way'."

But Jesus said to them, "They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat."

And they said to Him, "We only have here five loaves and two fish."

Jesus said, "Bring them to me."

Then He commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, then He took the five loaves and noticed they were long past their expiration date. He took the two fish and smelled them and said, "This smells like James's armpits." So He commanded Judas to call on the cellphone the Salvation Army or the ABS-CBN Foundation for five truckloads of relief goods. Then the trucks came immediately, and the disciples were so awed at the quick response that they asked Him, "Master, how did you do it?"

Jesus chuckled and said, "I have clout."

And they all ate and were filled, and they took up twelve baskets full of plastic wrappers and Styrofoam cups and table napkins. And James said, "Let us not throw away these. I can make teddy bears out of these Styrofoam cups."

Immediately, Jesus made His disciples get into the boat and go before Him to the other side, while He sent the multitudes away.

And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up on a mountain by Himself, checked if it was a WIFI hotspot, then checked his Friendster account on his laptop. And he was disappointed because some teenager flooded the bulletin posts by posting fifteen times some chain email about a woman called Mary that you have to send to many people or else you�ll die tonight. Jesus asked wisdom from the Father and the Father told him, "Unfriend that kid." So Jesus removed the kid from his list of friends.

Now, in the fourth watch of the night, Jesus came to the disciples on the boat, walking on the sea.

And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were amazed, saying, "Cool. Can you also do somersaults?"

Jesus spoke to them, saying, "Be of good cheer. Of course, I can somersault."

And Jesus did a somersault.

The disciples were doubly amazed, and they said, "Can you also spit through your front teeth?"

Jesus said, "Of course."

The disciples asked, "Like, as far as five strides?"

Jesus became annoyed, and said, "Of course, I can spit as far as five strides. And even farther." And Jesus spat through his front teeth, and hit somebody standing by the sea shore.

The disciples were amazed, and they all said, "Wow. That kicked ass."

But Peter said, "Master, I can also walk on water."

The disciples said, "Oh, shut up, Peter."
Peter said, "Seriously, I can." And Peter came off the boat to walk on water, but immediately, he sank like a rock. And Peter was gone.

And Jesus said, "From now on, let us remember Peter as 'Peter the Rock'."

And the disciples said, "Truly, you are wise, Master. 'Peter the Rock' sounds like a wrestler�s name, and only you can think of it, oh Son of God."

And Jesus, upon hearing it, just shrugged like he didn't care. After all, as far as he knew it, the only other creature that could walk on water was not even human; it was a lizard, a basilisk. But the disciples did not know it. So Jesus said, "Let's call it a day and let's go to a videoke bar. I hear they have this intriguing new contraption called 'Magic Sing'."

The disciples asked, "Master, can you sing 'My Way', too?"

Jesus was annoyed. He said, "All ye of little faith. Of course, I can sing that song. In fact, can do almost anything except chartered accountancy."

And right there standing on the sea, Jesus began singing Frank Sinatra's song.


Friday, April 06, 2007

listen to my head..

The poems do not
Want to be written
Because the poems
Want toWrite themselves.

Anecdotes about assholes
Robbing gas stations
While disguised as
Trees clad in Flannel.

These things come naturally
To the poems.
They cannot be extracted Like vanilla,
Or some other cooking product.

Fetus and phoenix Look the same
When mouthed.
If the world
Were mute,
We’d have all sorts of pregnant ladies
Talking about birds
And old ladies sporting binoculars
Getting in heated debates with abortion groups.

This is what poems would write
If poems could write themselves.

Poems would read their last words
Before they wrote their bodies
Or ate their vegetables.

We should all be poems
And write ourselves,
Write on ourselves,
Without word counts
Or line limits.
We should fill the pages
But not be filler.

This is what poems would write
If poems could write themselves.

This is what we would write
If we knew how to write ourselves.

Choices of an Inanimate Nature

The button on my pants
sought a better life
and ran away
to join the circus.
My button now helps
hold the big-top together
above three rings
and a thousand smiles.
In many ways my button and I
are the same
except its tent stays up
while my pants fall down.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

out of boredom

ok..i might regret thisn or i may not.. but what the hell.. ill do it anyways...
went tru all my stuff earlier and found some pictures of me..
.. it's kinda funny... making my lent kinda ok na..

with my bro.. i think i was 1yr old and he was 3.. cute little buggers

a class picture (obviously)... i was in grade 4 here...

HIgh School...ok find me if you can..IM NOT THE FAT GUY! wana make sure of that..

college..long hair,white shirt and pair of torned jeans..

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

less than a month...

had the best, worst, interesting and a bit depressing 3 weeks of my life...

like i have my own roller coaster ride...

the ride is free..i think im still on it this very minute.. i want to get off now.. pleaseeeeee

the first part was pretty much nice... goin up and up.. higher and higher.. nice..

but the fall was a bit hard and damn fast.. i couldnt do anything but feel the weight of everything..

pain of losing someone.. hurt of seein my baby get sick.. feeling of bein betrayed by someone you trusted... and the weirdest thing i felt was the feeling of a broken heart..

before... i forgot the last time i cried.. really cried.. but the 3 weeks thought me to realize that i need it..or maybe unconciously i've been wanting to.. i need feel weak, accept that i cant be always strong emotionaly...

its ok to show weakness...
i cried 4 times within those weeks.... yah i counted...

first was just empathy..

second was for letting down a person who trusted me..

third was for my kid..

fourth was for a person..an angel for me and my mom.. but i guess God needs her more than we do up there to kick some ass..

now.. my ride is losing speed.. i guess around the corner there's an uphill or maybe a loop or two..

but for me.. im thru with the downside of life for the moment..

now im gona enjoy this friggin ride no matter what..

wuhoooooooooo!! my life sucks!! but the backgorund music kick assss!!!!