Tuesday, September 26, 2006

What about Love?

I was on a jeep goin to work yesterday when the song “What about Love” blared on the radio. I have heard this song numerous times before now but I never really listened to it until earlier.
What about love? It’s probably the most overused and overstated word in the dictionary. There are far too many definitions, explanations and interpretations of it from people of different walks of life from a scientific view, a cultural view and a religious view.

The person who invented this word must me laughing his/her/their head off wherever he/she/they maybe, be it in heaven, hell or somewhere in between because his/her/their probably simple meaning of love became all this complicated. For all we know, whoever came up with this word may not even mean it the way we want it to mean.
Yet even with all this information, we still cannot capture its true essence. So what about it?
Love. We kill for it and because of it. We die for it and because of it. We cry, laugh, rejoice, share, and go the distance to get it, to feel it, to have it, to keep it.

I met someone, we shared a connection. Three months after, we moved in together. After 5 years, she ended it. She said she doesn’t love me the same way anymore.
So what about love? You tell me.
I love the song but I hate the feeling that surfaces when I hear it.

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