Wednesday, December 06, 2006

brooms,apples and a taxi driver

"it doesnt feel like its christmas"

i guess the taxi driver was right..i couldnt feel anything thats "christmasy"..

i hate this..

when i was little. my family doesnt have much.. we were poor.. my dad worked for a printing press as an operator and my mom is just a plain housewife..sometimes sweep the floor of a furniture shop, just to have money to buy some food..(broke my heart when she told me that story) and she took care of us 3 very well.

the first one is named nikkie.. a hyper active kid..always running around and doesnt care if he fell and have bruises all over..he just want to play all day..but now he has a girlfriend whos head over heels for him..looks like an actres, a mestisa..

i still really dont get it why that happened..

im the middle child, i started talkin late.. my mom always see me sitting and starring at something.. they thought i was autistic or something..i think its was funny.. i just want to be quite i guess..they even tried letting me eat a part of a pig that doesnt quiet appealling to a kid..but it worked..

thats what they say..

the third is a girl who like hair clips..a pog nose kid..and alway wants to be carried..her name is colleen.. now she's 5'8"..

carrying a responsibility handed by no one and doin a fine job..

christmas was always fun to us back then..we can eat apples and ham all day, and have some chocolates after..i remember, we have this xmas tree made of strings and sometimes made of brooms or a tall indoor plant..decorated with candies and drawings i did..

christmas was really felt back then..just with the smell of apples and cold morning air..

but now.. a driver reminded me that i lost something important..

something im tryin to figure out what..

im sure red will make me see it..

I wouldn't say I'm mad about the rain
But we'll get through it anyway
We'll get back to the start again

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