Friday, March 02, 2007

my personal meter

me·ter /ˈmitər/[mee-ter]–noun
an instrument for measuring, esp. one that automatically measures and records the quantity of something, as of gas, water, miles, or time, when it is activated.

my life has a meter, a happy meter. nice huh?...not really, its just here to make sure that i have a certain amount of happiness in my life.. a certain dose..

if i exceeded that dose.. it automatically send problems, situations, assholes and friggin stupid people to neutralise my happiness.. it usually send those things one at a time but this morning, i cant explain, but all was there this morning, saying good morning to my face with all their glory.

so im sorry if ill be mean, rude, be an ass or just a friggin bascket case today..i have a friggin happy meter up my ass.. so what do you expect?

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