Thursday, March 29, 2007


my mom called me this morning...

"hello.. mike..."
she paused for a while

"hi inay, whats up?"

she didnt answer back for a few seconds

"whats wrong?"
i asked...

"inda lina had an heart attack this morning, shes gone na..."
she answered with a heavy feeling, sad emotion or something..

i couldnt answer, dont know what to say..

"mike, its ok to cry"
she knows me well..

i knew i couldnt feel anything that time... i got numb..but i felt cold..

inda lina was the only good thing happened to my mom.. shes the only inlaw that truly loved her..and stayed beside my mom when we have problems with my dad..

she had this strong personality, she could make a cow meow just staring at its balls..but she always asked for a gift from me every xmas..but i always end up giving her money and a hug..

a hug..

thats my way of sayin "thank you"..

for all the things she did, for staying beside my mom when no body is willing to, for telling me to be strong always..



but i guess not now..

right now im showing emotions,


"mike, its ok to cry"
she knows me well..

"i am mom"

"i am crying.. "

i hate talkin bout her in past tense..

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