Friday, November 10, 2006

not now..

Friend: aren’t u going home?
Me: aren’t you too?
Me: in a while..
Friend: ya
Friend: i guess
Me: excited?
Friend: 'm still meeting my r&d manager
Friend: abt?
Me: my pretty rock..
Me: kidding..
Me: on your date.
Friend: oh
Friend: er
Friend: i'm feelin neutral
Friend: jus tired
Me: im thinkin, i wish right now im in a nice resto. dark and kinda cozy place with me drinking coffee and just try to relax and think about what i did today and will do tomorrow.. and order a large serving of angry sauce pasta!!! YUHUUU!!!
Friend: hhaha
Friend: i dont mind tat cept i dont wanna think of wat i did today or tom
Me: or have a conversation with someone..
Friend: ya
Me: or msn
Friend: tat would be better
Friend: go on a date na
Me: nah..
Me: i dont mind bein alone..
Me: im alone but not lonely
Friend: ah yes
Friend: tats a good thing
Me: a good company will do.. but no hearty talk
Me: dont want to be mushy this time of days
Friend: hahha
Friend: jus a good laugh
Me: yah.. that can make you pee
Friend: hahaha

Friend: ya
Friend: hey i'm off
Friend: damn tired
Me: ok..
Friend: see ya tom
Friend: tata
Me: tata

"i dont mind bein alone"

it would be great if its true but sometimes I mind... but I guess being alone is just trying to run away from the things I cannot comprehend..

"Friend: go on a date na"

i dont want to, that time.. but i guess fate has its way of makin me realized things... after the chat.. and old flame texted.. saying hi and askin how am i doin, i said im ok.. im really ok, i guess.. but you.. why you..

but not now please..

i don’t know what to make of you. The past weekend was just too overwhelming for me. With one moment of mutual boredom and a series of text messages, you were back in my life....

but not now please..

you were my insparation.. but dont be my distraction now..

You: mike? can i ask a favor?
Me: ok, what is it?
You: You busy this firday night?
Me: Hope not, want to sleep na..
You: can we meet?
Me: ah er.. where?
You: remember the old coffeeshop beside your office before?
Me: at agogo? is it still around? i thought its now a laundromat?..
You: hahaha still in business..
Me: i love their couches..anyway im glad their still around.. do you still call all the waiters George?
You: :) havent been there since we last saw each other.. never went there again but it would be nice to meet all the george again..
Me: ####? i really dont know my sched tomorrow but ill text you.. it would be nice to see you still work out? :P
You: hahaha, why you asked? :) i still do..anyway please do text if your free or not.. ok?
Me: problem.. bye..
You: bye..

Some believe in rekindling old flames. Some say that once there’s a spark, the flame will never die out. I believe that old flames can be blown out just as easily as they can be rekindled. I know, because that’s what I did...

not now please... dont be my distraction..

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