Thursday, July 19, 2007

conversation #3

me: god? i know its too early.. are you there?

Him: Yeah, im here.. been here all the time..

me: thanks..and im so sorry..

Him: for what?

me: you know what i mean, bout yesterday and me gettin mad and all..

Him: Well,are you really sorry?

me: yah..

Him: ok..whatelse?

me: thats it? only ok?

Him: Why? you want me to shine a light on you and make the angels sing for you?

me: ah er eh..oooo can you?

Him: Hey, dont push your luck kid..

me: ok..

Him: your question is "WHY"

me: hey! how did you know? ok.. stupid question.. yah i was gona ask why, why her? she serves you well.. we both know she sinned and everything but we all do..

Him: well..i know if i answer your question you will ask anther question... coz trust me you wont understand why things happen to good people..

me: i guess you know me beter than know i feel really sad bout whats happenin to her right?

Him: yah i know..

me: god? can i ask for a favor?

Him: sure.. what is it?

me.. strength.

Him: for?

me: her.. to endure things.. and me.. to be a better person..

Him: for her.. she has faith.. she knows things will be ok.. but i need you to be there if that faith is not seen by her at times..and for you.. i cant make you a better do it on your on.. sorry to burst you bubble kid..

me: oh shit! ooops sorry..

Him: want me to give you that?

me: nope.. sorry..

Him: you sure?

me: yah im sure..

Him: so what now?

me: well you know my friend and i were talkin yesterday bout bubbles, well i said accidentally told her that ill make someone bleed if someone burst our bubble today..

Him: sorry to tell you the bad news kid... but i already did bleed for you..

me: huh?

Him: kid.. your hopeless!!

me: what did i do now?

Him: remember the big cross, nails, whip, crown made of thorns and ooohh people shouting "crucify him! crucify him!"?

me: holy shhh..

Him: dont dare to say that..

me: holy shoes!! yah ido remember that..

Him: fine..stop bein an occational catholic..pls for my sake..

me: ok god.. ill try

Him: no.. you wont.

me: give me a break here..

Him: always do.. but pls this time, try a little harder..

me: ok i know you know.

Him: i know..always.

me: thanks god

Him: no problem.. peace!!

me: peace!

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