Monday, October 09, 2006


reply to a letter writen 6 years ago..

hi #######..

i remember this letter..well its been 6 years since i wrote this.. so many things happend na since then..we moved on na... did we? did i? i dono.. but those where happy times, ...i had had my happiest and the saddest times with you.. thats reality.. cant have everything..

you where there to listen to my jokes, my probs, my dreams and often share even my mood swings..i was comfortable with where evrything then.. from a friend to a lover..can i still say it ba? hoping this will not turn out to be a love letter but please dont blame me if this is a "remebering" letter or sumthing like that..

you like talaba, i hate it.. you know how to dance.. but you didnt show me..i like watching you sleep coz you lay on your tummy.. i remember i got the chills and you hug me so tight... you hate frogs and i despise coconut trees.. you love the beach, i sit beside you while we're there... you like tagaytay but i nearly lost my short call me kogkog, i call you bochog..your skin smells like pear..i love your short hair.. love your armpit..hahaha..i like waking up beside you..we shared silence once..i love the trips to tagaytay..but hate goin home.. i made you cry many times but your still care for me..when i ask you if you love me you dont say anything... but the time when i heard it you say it.. it made me smile and thankd you..

but the thing that i dont remeber is the last time we saw each other and said our goodbyes..i really cant..and i thank god for that..

sorry for this.. cant help remembering


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