Monday, October 30, 2006

this left seems so right

last friday was kinda a unwinding state for me and kim.. we had dinner with a common was her treat.. a long overdue bday was nice eat all you can dinner.. hahaha.. you should seen the smiles on our faces.. like kids in candy land.. first we had sushis..then tempuras and then we had what heart attacks made of..but hey its a free dinner.. couldnt pass the chance of havin a heart attack..but we made it without feelin or suffering from stroke or angina.. we had a nice talk over dinner.. we laugh, shared problems and the comon denaminator is we're all stressed out but we like what we doin.. so it doesnt matter..

afterdinner kim went home na and i and angela decided to have coffee and talk.. ive known her for 3 years now.. met her in the campaign of 04.. she handled the logistic and i the creative.. thank god our candidate won..she started talkin bout her college days and i just smiled and listened..i like watching her talk, like her smile.. she has this smile..only one smile, but its just enough to make you feel better...

she was talkin on and on.. couldnt believe that she can do that.. but i couldnt make her stop or change topic coz i saw that she was havin fun remembering.. she talked bout her love stories, bout boys fell head over heels for her, heartbreaks, havin friends and losing them..then i suddenly asked her if i were her classmate or the same age..and asked her to go out..will she say yes.. she just smiled and wink at me..i just laughed..i think we finished at around 4am..i kissedher on the cheecks and she kissed back..
she asked me if we could to that again,
i asked
"what the kiss?"
she said
"ahh no, the was nice..really appreciate it"
i said
"oh problem.. thanks for the dinner"

i walked her to her car remind her to be carefull..then she sudenly look at me and smile as if waiting for something..she was just standing there..her hand on her back like a little girl..i just smiled and pinched her red cheecks and said your cute..and i just walked away..


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