Thursday, October 05, 2006

thinking outloud

People count the Harry Potter movies as part of their favorites in Friendster. I say hogwash. The first two were complete rip-offs. And the third was merely mediocre despite all the interesting reviews of it being revolutionary from the earlier versions. Without a doubt, the books were great… the movies… well, let’s just say they’re expensive visual aids to the novels. On the brighter side though, is it just me or is Hermione getting hotter?

I know you’ve probably heard this more than once but let me reiterate. When you were in high school, you wished that you’d graduate so that you’d hit college and have the time of your life. When you entered college, you wished that it’d be all over so you could start working and earn mucho dinero to party like a madman in Mardi Gras. After you started your first job, you wished that the first two years would fly by so you could resign and get a better job in order to afford that nice-ass condo. The misconception is that things get better along the way when the truth is the complete opposite. Things get infinitely worse. This is not a pessimistic thought – it’s realistic. Ask anybody who’s older than you. Except your mom. She’ll probably say that ‘there’s a better future in store for you’ or something of similar sentiments. Moms are naturally good liars. So if she starts complimenting you on how good-looking you are and that the other kids just tease you because they’re jealous… start crying. But I digress. What I mean to say is that appreciate what you have now and do everything as crazy as the movies teach you… because you’re going to f*cking long for it when the time passes you by.

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