Thursday, August 16, 2007

have i, did i, would i?

1. Have you said "I love you" today?
yah..said it to someone 3 times with lots of kiss and a tight hug.
2. What's one thing you actuallyremember about PREP?
Never took prep.
3. Did you cry at your graduation orsmile because you were glad it wasover?
Laughed and hooted and screamed at myfavorite teacher. I was so happy I wasleaving.
4. Name 2 of your favorite movies?
serendipity andshallow hal
5. What's the last thing you thinkabout before going to sleep at night?
6. What are your nicknames? hate this mikee thing)
7. How do you calm down when youreextremely angry?
I stuff it down or let it out by writinga nasty poem about the object of my ire.
8. A movie or a long walk in the beachon a date?
went to a silent movie once with someone..she's deaf but nice and so pretty..
9. What are 3 of the first things younotice in a girl?
[Aside from face, huh?]Smile.Voice.Smell.
10. Would you ever date someone covered in tats and piercings?
Done it.
11. Would you want a house at the beachor in the mountains?
12. What are 2 of your favorite colors?
Platinum. Red.
13. What time is it right now?
Quarter to 9
14. What's your zodiac sign?
the Bull
15. Are you a (1) party animal orsomeone who (2) prefers to stay in aquiet place?
It depends on who I am at a particular time.
16. Do you prefer dogs or cats?
17. Would you drive 100 miles for the one you love?
I dont drive.. but I rode a bus for six hours just to see someone... and have dinner with her.
18. Does love really make you actcrazy?
Define crazy.
19. Are you brave enough to tell aguy/girl you like him/her?
Of course. Done it too.
20. What do you usually do when you'restarting to fall for some guy/girl?
21. Have you ever had diarrhea andvomited at the same time?
I dont remember any incident probably not.
22. Do you prefer shrimp or crab legs?
23. How do babies make you feel?
24. Who is the last person you high-fived?
strappy.(does high5 in msn count) i dont high 5 in real life.. i hug
25. Have you ever drunk milk straightout of the carton?
26. Do you think you're attractive?
27. Have you ever flown a kite?
hmmm.. cant remember.. i guess
28. Do you consider yourself successful?
Not right now.
29. Where is your cellphone?
a few inches from my left hand, hahaha!
30. What do you usually do when you'resad?
I write it out. If that doesnt work, Idraw it out. Whenever possible, Idistract myself with the presence ofother people. When its really, reallybad, I curl up fetus-pose and bawl .
31. What are your plans for tonight?
sleep with red beside me..
32. What's the last thing you often dobefore going to bed?
33. Are you a morning or evening person?
Evening. Definitely.

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